Hello everyone, first of all I would like to thank this English course. It was very important for me because I was able to practice my English with my friends and with myself. However, I still have a hard time speaking English. Before entering university, I did not have much knowledge about English. My school was not bilingual and there was only a weekly English class. It is for this reason that my English before entering the university was very bad. At school I did not write much in English or speak less, I only remember that I studied for tests and that my results were not positive. In this year I feel that I have been able to learn much more about speaking English, last year I already did this blog exercise and it went pretty well for me. My goal this year in English was to learn to read and speak English. I think that compared to last year, this year I learned a lot more because the teacher is better. Professor Alvaro Garcia is the best English teacher I have ever had, his teaching skills are magnificent. I plan to improve my English through daily exercise and listen to songs in English and then understand and translate them. I love listening to English songs, although I do not understand them completely well, I like English. I hope to learn a lot more English, since I still have a basic management. My goal is to travel across the world and be able to speak with all the people in English. Today I use my English very little outside the university, sometimes I practice it with my friends but in a joke mode or I practice singing songs in English to improve my pronunciation and expand my vocabulary. Thanks for all teacher. I will miss it.


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