Sorry but I love my cellphone !

My favorite device, is my cell phone, and it's not just any cellphone, It’s my life. Actually I would don´t know what to do if my Iphone did not exist. I remember when I was a child, in Valdivia, my dad showed me the first cellphone, was a Nokia with a snake game. My first cellphone I got it when I was twelve years old, in Merry Christmas, It was a gif from mom and I have been changing my cellphone every two years, and I've noticed about this, “device technologics” has changed so fast, because now, I do not just call and send messages, if not, I can to do many thing more, I can talk to my girlfriend and my family more than before, my favorite App, is Instagram, it´s too funny spend time in that, it works me for see my friends, what thet making, I've been working in publicited in instagram, and it so much funny to watch my friends storys. Well… the cellphone Works me for everything that I need, from being an alarme even for work, for communicate with other peoples, searching information, etc, I love my cellphone


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