I love all the animals

In the world, there are many lover animals, and I am one of them. I love all the animals in the world, but my favorites are the dogs and cats. When I was a child, I got my first dog in Valdivia, It was a puppy, its name was Leia, by princess Leia of Star Wars. She was the perfect partner, my best company, pretty loyal, but when I moved to Coyhaique, my parents gave her to a field's men. Right now, I don't have any pet, I live in a flat, and I think that a pet is not happy in that condition, but if I’d have the opportunrity I’d will, and It’d choose a little dog, are the best animal, they are pretty smart, so cut and adoroble, man’s best friend. Not like the snakes, that’s disgusting, my sister´s boyfriend has snakes, and I cannot believe a wild animal is in a house. I think that the animals must to be free, is horrible like animals are mistreatment, injured, be used to try cosmetics, even in the zoo. They are free, never I’ll use some fur coats, that's disgusting. If I could be an animal, I’d choose a dog, they are so fun, they run, playing, resting, dog I've never been attacked by a dog, humans corrupt them.


  1. Hello Ivan, i got a dog and his name is "Doggy" (i'm not very creative you see) and i love him, he is my friend and we go to take a walk in the hills together sometimes. I'm sorry about your dog Leia.


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