How to save memories?

In my opinion the best way of save the memories is with good photographs. 
The photographs are a lote more that a paper, when somebody take a good photo 
capture,keep and protect one moment, and the most important, 
protect one experience, there for the photographs are important, the experiences 
and their feeling can’t be lost in the time.

This photograph was taken for my temporal fater Adriano, in my first trip to 
Europe (Junary and Febrary 2016) in that first trip I was sixteen years 
old (now I am eighteen). In that opportunity I was for my sport (fencing) in
the north of Italy, in the city of Bergamo (little city, very close from Milan 
and Venezia)
I was staying with one family from the club (when I  trained). The younger son
“Andrea” also played fencing. We played all week except the Sunday, and on a 
Sunday Adriano (father), Liccia (mother) and I, went to visit Venezia.
This photo shows a very beautiful city but really I don´t like that photo for the
place, I love that photo because when I look that, I rememeber that magical 
experience. I remember especialy a liccia, the best mother of two month in the world.
¡La migliore foto della vita, con la migliore mama de due mesi!


  1. Hello Iván! Yout photo is amazing! I really think that you have a very interesting life because your sport and the travels. Sometime you could invite me!

  2. an amazing experience. pics can kep our best momens in life...


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