Hello there!!! Good afternoon classmates! I am in the second year of the college, studying sociology, and my career does not have institutionalized major, but in the practice, all the sociologists choose them research topics, well… I am not sure at this moment, that I will choose. I n my case, for to be honest, I have to say that I am so glad to study this career and one of the things most beautiful of the sociology, is that can to be combined with other disciplines and subject. When I will finish my career, I would like to work in sociological research about sports, but I noticed that is too specific, but with being able to help someone, I would be happy . I do not like the offices and I will imagine me in future like a men, that works in the field of sport. I will not imagine working in at office, I think, and I hope work outdoors. If I would have the opportunity to travel in my job, would be amazing, I love to travel to anywhere place, and in the com...